Elden Ring PvP Helper

The Elden Ring PvP Helper is one of my biggest projects ever done. While it is primarily completed, there is still ongoing work being done to it. Primarily bug fixes.

This program is designed to help players enjoy the Player V.S. Player in Elden Ring. While in private servers. As well as make it easy to setup a pvp ready save file. We can see here on the primary dashboard we have many things like Auto Revive, which revives players after they die, removing the wait time in a loading screen. Im most proud of the console. Not only does it display to the users what is going on, but it also allows for easy debugging using commands.

Originally the helper looked like this.

It was a old design made simlpy using winforms. As you know this isnt what it looks like today since the poject moved from winforms to WPF.

When moving to WPF, My partner catshark offered to make the design of the helper. This was a great oppurtunity for me, because this allows me to focus on the backend of the program.

The program is entirely open source, so feel free to check it out!